Form categories
K2 Business Apps distinguishes multiple types of forms and each has is own section in the app.
An app in K2 Business Apps is a form of which a single instance exists. Every time you open an app, the same form is opened and the data entered in a previous session is restored.
The page Drafts start on a page where all active instances - drafts - are shown. Using the plus sign, a new page will be opened where you can select the form you want to create an instance of. You can think of it as an e-mail: when clicking new, a new e-mail instance is created where you can start typing. When closing the e-mail without sending it, it is saved as a draft and can be edited at a later time. You can also create a second e-mail instance, work on it, and save it as a draft, etc.
A task in K2 can be linked to a form where the task information is shown, entered and submitted. When the form used in the task is marked as a Task form in the K2 Business Apps Management Forms, tasks assigned to you that use this form will be shown in K2 Business Apps. Once a task is actioned using a K2 rule, it will be removed from the tasks list.