Check form and view versions

When creating forms for K2 Business Apps, you sometimes want to, e.g. make sure you are looking at the same form as you are seeing in the browser.

Form and view versions

One of the options introduced in K2 Business Apps 1.5.2 and service broker 3.4 is the debugging settings. Adding a developer here allows that developer to swipe a form item to the right to open a page showing information about that form. This contains:

  1. The display name in the app

  2. The K2 system name

  3. The K2 guid

  4. The version

  5. All views used on the form are shown as separate blocks containing:

    1. The name of the view on the form

    2. The K2 system name

    3. The K2 display name

    4. The K2 guid

    5. The version

  6. All subforms that can be opened from this form are shown as separate blocks containing:

    1. The K2 system name

    2. The K2 guid

    3. The version

    4. All views used on the form (see point 5)

    5. All subforms that can be opened from this form (see point 6)
