.. _control-data-source: Control data source #################################################################################################### Static **************************************************************************************************** The use of a static data source is supported. You can manually provide a value, display for items and optionally mark one as "default". SmartObject **************************************************************************************************** The use of a SmartObject as data source is supported. There are multiple variants of the "Configure Data Source" window, as shown below. Value and display ==================================================================================================== .. figure:: ../../images/reference/various/various-data-source-1.png :class: with-shadow :align: center The display value will be shown, while the value is used internally as the actually selected value. Identifier and display ==================================================================================================== .. figure:: ../../images/reference/various/various-data-source-2.png :class: with-shadow :align: center The display value will be shown while the identifier is used internally as the actually selected value. Display ==================================================================================================== When displaying the items of the data source, the display value can be configured to be: * a single column from the data source * static text * values from other controls * any combination of the above options Filter ==================================================================================================== "Filter the data according to another control's value" is currently not supported. Filter properties are also not supported.