.. include:: ../../global.rst Context browser #################################################################################################### When working with rules, you often use the context browser: the section where you can select control or properties thereof and transfer their value somewhere else. In this context browser, you can also the sections *System Values* and *Environment Fields*. Let's start with the latter. .. image:: ../../images/k2/k2-context-browser.png :class: with-shadow Environment fields **************************************************************************************************** All environments fields are supported in K2 Business Apps, even custom ones. When synchronizing data with the server, all environment fields are retrieved. This also means these values are available when working in offline mode. System values **************************************************************************************************** The system values are categorized in multiple sections, not all of which are supported yet. The supported categories are listed below. Current date ==================================================================================================== The values supported are shown below. Note the difference between the *Current Date and Time* and the other two. Current Date And Time This gives you the current date and time in UTC. Current Date This gives you the current date in the timezone the device is in. Current Time This gives you the current time in the timezone the device is in. Current user ==================================================================================================== All values of this section are supported. They are retrieved from the server upon login. Workflow view ==================================================================================================== You can use the following two values from this section, provided you are working on a task. Full Name This gives you the activity name. Display Name This gives you the activity display name.